Monday, February 14, 2011

My Nose In a Book....

Koontz, Jordan, Spiritual, Growth, Psychology, Information, and so on.....

I love to read and for the most part you can catch me with my nose in something... my husband the other day told me I was the guy from Pagemaster! I laughed because I go my books do not talk back to me in a famous person's voice, like the character "Fantasy" played by Whoopi Goldberg. Then when I recalled the movie and the events the main character went through it made me realize that there are some strong similarities. Now please do not get me wrong, I am not in my house wrapped up in safety gear speaking about the statistical odds of the house coming down. However, I do like to surround myself with facts, figures, and stats (even if it is the smallest fact). I think in a way it brings me comfort in a way. Even though I love facts and figures I also love fiction..... I have my favorite Authors but I read just about everyone that has peaked my interest.... shoot I have even read a book just to please someone to discover that they are not that half bad. The one thing I still cannot figure out why I still do this... is no matter how bad I think a book is, once it is started I will finish it... who knows maybe I have it somewhere in my sick head that it will turn out better. I read classics and modern,  simple poetry to novels, facts to theories, and so much more....

I find comfort and peace in books, even if I know the ending will not be a happy one. I feel like I can pull myself out of this world and get lost in the pages. Maybe because there is beginning, middle, and end in each book or perhaps you know who are the bad guys and who will win the girl in books. When it comes to facts maybe the book provides the evidence that I need to see.... maybe I just need to escape. There is so many reasons that books bring me comfort....

Things that I would like to accomplish with my book face

I would like to be in an actual book club
Read a suggested reading list
Thank and Author
Meet one of my favorite Authors
One day work at a used book store or own

One of my favorite Authors is Dean Koontz, I think his work is amazing. I like his work because it is one thing to scare a person with a knives and men running around in mask. However, it is another thing to scare someone psychologically or to make them think outside the box.

I love vampires (before vampires were even cool). Anne Rice has always been one of my favorites, even though I have read the "Twilight" Series" it has nothing on her books... she puts the real romance behind vampires!

I love the works of Edgar Allan Poe and the Brothers Grimm.... However, my favorite poem of all times is The Highwayman by Alferd Noyes, I heard this poem when I was young and how it can be read is just amazing. I have read Sherlock Holmes and Agatha Christie and I realized that many modern day Authors should take notes from them!

I love books about my faith, whether they are stories that expand upon the bible or spiritual growth through a study. However, with that being said I love to learn about other people's faiths and beliefs ad well (I think that what I like most about myself because I can look at the whole picture). I love to know what people find out and what they have learned! Everyone has a great journey they have been on so if they have written about or spoken to me about.... I have listened!

One of my favorite places to be is a used book store. I am not sure but there is something about being around all those books and knowing that they were read and will be going to another person's mind. I rather by a good use book then a brand new book, please do not get me wrong I have bought tons of brand new books but I can spend hours in a good used book store, it is like treasuring hunting! You meet some of the most interesting people and they share their experiences and I even love the smell of a used book store.... I am sure I am nuts....

I have some great inspirational readers.... my Uncle Matt is the biggest one... I am not sure if I ever seen him put a book down...

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